Great White: Rare worm vs. farmers

The giant Palouse earthworm can’t be found—yet it’s dividing the Palouse

Giant Palouse earthwormAn interesting article about an earthworm that hasn’t been seen more than 4 times in the last 100 years. The Palouse is a region of Northern Idaho and Eastern Washington which was predominated by prairie but is now predominated by winter wheat and other crops. This is also the area where the appaloosa breed of horses originated.

Great White: Rare worm vs. farmers
by Leah Sottile – Boise Weekly

Oregon biologists fear small moose herd may be infected with deadly parasite

Carotid artery worm is one of the suspects

Moose © Ken Cole

Moose © Ken Cole

The worm is thought to be behind the declines in Wyoming moose populations as well.

Oregon biologists fear small moose herd may be infected with deadly parasite
By Richard Cockle, The Oregonian

Wildlife Services Releases Strategic Plan

Inadequate funding, lack of understanding and support cited in report

The agency that touts that it “provides Federal leadership and expertise to resolve wildlife conflicts and create a balance that allows people and wildlife to coexist peacefully has released its Strategic Plan for 2010 – 2014.

They have a list of “Key Challenges” where they lament that people are becoming detached from the interests of agriculture.

1. Limited Resources for Wildlife Damage Management and Research:
2. Increasing Suburban Growth and Detachment from Agriculture and Wildlife:
3. Strengthening Communications with Stakeholders:
4. Increasing Wildlife Populations:

Populations of Canada geese, white-tailed deer, double-crested cormorants, coyotes, bears, mountain lions, wolves, beaver, and other wildlife species have increased significantly in many parts of the United States. The increases have been the result of land use changes, relocations by State wildlife agencies, and decreased hunting and trapping by the public, in addition to a variety of other reasons. These overabundant populations [emphasis added] of animals in close proximity to humans often result in increased wildlife damage to property and increased human health and safety concerns.

5. Increased Role in “Emergencies” Lead to Erosion for WS
6. Keeping Pace with Evolving Information Technology
7. Workforce Diversity in the Wildlife Management Field:

You can read it here: Strategic Plan for 2010 – 2014

Landowner group tries to block wind development in Northern Laramie Range

Conflicting landowner positions on wind development is scrambling Wyoming politics

If you look at a wind map of the U.S., the Laramie Mountains are perhaps the best wind area in the United States. That doesn’t mean wind gets to override property rights, however.

Landowner group tries to block wind development in Northern Laramie Range. By Dustin Bleizeffer. Casper Star-Tribune energy reporter.
Tilting at Windmills: The Strange Politics of Wyoming Wind Power. WyoFile. By Jonathan Thompson

Montana gets first statewide bighorn sheep plan