Bison after rationality about brucellosis. Restoration?

The decreasing belief that Yellowstone bison are inherently brucellosis spreaders might open way for plains restoration-

Today there is an optimistic article about bison by Daniel Person the Bozeman Chronicle.

The bison cause brucellosis in cattle story has been under attack here and many other places now for a long time, and it is clear that all the actual cases of brucellosis spread in the Greater Yellowstone have come from elk or cattle.

Person talks about restoration of bison to the plains as a real possibility, but with a lot of questions. One of them is will they eat the grass that cows could be eating?  Of course, that is one reason why there are efforts to create a large reserve by purchasing land so the bison can roam free and not compete with cattle.

For over a decade now, my explanation of the hostility of cattle organizations to bison, however, has been that their opposition is really based on the idea that killing bison as they leave the Park (and even trying to kill them in the Park) is really to show the rest of the West who is still boss around here. The problem with bison restoration is not brucellosis; it is the politics of cultural domination.

Grizzlies in central Idaho is a politically difficult thing

Evidence is grizzly restoration would be much easier if some would just migrate in as opposed to reintroduction-

This article covers a lot of topics about grizzly recovery, bear tracking, restoration, and politics.

Grizzlies in the Bitterroot Mountains politically thorny. By Rob Cheney.  Missoulian