Wolf sightings rise in Oregon Cascades!

Incredible good news!

Wolf sightings on rise in Oregon Cascades. By The Associated Press

Note, I updated the link to a longer version of the story.  Ken

Arizona might close 2/3 its state parks-

Idaho’s governor wants to transfer state parks to Dept. of Lands. Folks fear loss of access to the Henry’s Fork-

Arizona may shut down two-thirds of state parks. Associated Press

The deep recession is taking a big hit on state parks in many states; even those parks that are big money makers.  Arizona has already closed 5 parks and might close 2/3 of them.

Last year in California, the governor wanted to close most of its huge state park system. He was rebuffed.

In Idaho, Butch Otter, wants to abolish the State Department of Parks and Recreation and transfer the function to the State Department of Lands whose mission has been resource extraction, land sales, and which has a close relationship to the grazing land barons.

One of the gems of Idaho’s state park system is Harriman State Park in Island Park. Its 11,000 acres was a donation from the Harriman family. The Henry’s Fork Foundation is worried that the terms of the gift might require the park be taken back.

Idaho governor puts Harriman Park access in jeopardy. West Yellowstone News. Given the large number of visitors, including access to 8 miles of Henry’s Fork, one of the world’s greatest trout streams, this is false economy.