House Natural Resoures Committee Invokes Rarely Used Powers to Block Uranium Mining Near Grand Canyon

House Natural Resoures Committee Invokes Rarely Used Powers to Block Uranium Mining Near Grand Canyon. Ascribe Newswire.

There is also an AP story on this unusual emergency action.

This is not only a threat to the scenic national park, but to the drinking water of 25-million people.

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Update: Permanent protection. Arizona Republic. Not quite, but for 3 years.

“Uranium mining and the Grand Canyon. What a terrible combination. And now it’s prohibited – at least for three years.”

California forest fires puts air quality at dangerous levels in Reno, Nevada

California forest fires puts air quality at dangerous levels in Reno, Nevada. By Steve Timo

These fires have reduced air quality as far east as Western Wyoming.

Rethinking the Country Life as Energy Costs Rise

Rethinking the Country Life as Energy Costs Rise. New York Times.

Higher energy costs may greatly reduce the housing sprawl into our wild country, which costs the taxpayers to much to provide services, increases the cost of forest fires, and uses a lot of energy (the emerging check on the sprawl).

New Mexican man killed and eaten some by a cougar

Man Killed by Cougar, Officials Confirm. By Rene Romo. Albuquerque Journal Southern Bureau.

This is near the country where they do all that worrying about Mexican wolves.

More evidence of wolves in Washington state

Wolves may be returning to Washington state. One or more packs of gray wolves may be living in north-central Washington’s Methow Valley, which would make them the first resident population… AP in the Seattle Times.

Despite the yanking of endangered species status from any wolves in NE Washington under the recent delisting of of wolves in the Northern Rockies, these wolves are in north central Washington and would receive full endangered species status. Moreover, the may have migrated down from B.C. on the own.