Man, 78, mauled by bear in Utah

What is it about the small Utah bear population and Utahans?

Man, 78, mauled by bear. “The man is recovering; the animal was shot and killed.”  By Brett Prettyman. The Salt Lake Tribune.

Earlier Utah bear stories posted here:

Earlier stories this year:

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Anti-wolf anger boils over into bad joke about “Obama Tags”

Rex Rammell jokes he’d buy an “Obama Tag”

Wolves in the state have become an avatar, a pariah.  It often seems that the hatred has little to do with facts, science, or the wolves themselves and more to do with a deep-seated hatred for the federal government that will take any opportunity to emerge.  Rammell’s canned-elk, anti-government soap-box has blown over, now it’s become an anti-wolf, anti-government soap-box :

Rammell howls at Otter for not buying wolf tagTimes-News

After an audience member shouted a question about “Obama tags” during a discussion on wolves, Rammell responded, “The Obama tags? We’d buy some of those.”

Rammell’s Obama ‘joke’ troubles Idaho leaders – Idaho Statesman

Rammell’s got a lot of wacky history in Idaho.  When his domestic elk escaped their pen threatening wild elk with disease and foreign genes, Rammell sought a stand-off, ballooning the incident into some sort of referendum on government and private property rights even as his membership in the Idaho establishment secured him special favors.