Wickiup Wolves?

Are there wolves in the Cascades of Oregon?

This story came up in a Google Alert today and the first half of the article talks about radio tagging salmon, an interesting story but the second part of the article talks about an entirely different subject: wolves in the Oregon Cascades.

Over the last few years there have been a number of reported sightings of wolves in Central Oregon west of Bend. Are these truly wolves or could they be escaped pets? Certainly wolves could make the trek there from Idaho and there is a lot of wild country and a prey base that could support wolves here but are they there now?

On the air, alive and well from a fish’s stomach.
Bill Monroe – OregonLive.com

Crowds expected Tuesday as wolves return to court in Missoula

Tomorrow is the big day before Judge Molloy-

“”People simplify things,”[Ed] Bangs said. “They’ll say 300 wolves is not enough for recovery, but that’s not the recovery goal. That’s bogus. Or they’ll say the Service promised there’d never be more than 300 wolves. That’s not true either.” Rest of the story in the Missoulian.

Stop Alberta oil expansion

Stop the slow motion “gulf disaster” of Alberta tar sands oil-

Stop Alberta oil expansion. Guest column by Tom Woodbury. Western Watersheds Project. Montana Office.

It’s bad news for Idaho and Montana highways, but much more for Montana the world at large.

Posted in oil and gas, Wildlife Habitat. Tags: , , , , . Comments Off on Stop Alberta oil expansion

Have you seen interesting wildife news? June 3, 2010

Note that this replaces the 10th edition. That edition will now move slowly into the depths of the blog.

Antelope on the Big Desert NW of Mud Lake, Idaho. March 2010. Copyright Ralph Maughan

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